Archive for April, 2011

Nexus Point – a delightful romp

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Nexus PointNexus Point
By Jaleta Clegg

Her ship crash landed on the feudal planet Dadilan, Captain Dace finds herself at the mercy of corrupt officials, former sabotaging crewmembers, and the Patrol. Not a good place to be. What’s worse is the local officials, some from off planet, are all part of the shara drug trade.

Dace spends much of her time trying to convince a Patrol officer, Tayvis, that she isn’t a smuggler. But it seems everyone is telling a different story, making it difficult for Dace to convince anyone of her innocence. Plus, she and Tayvis get separated many times by capture or battle, making it impossible for him to truly know what Dace is up to.

The author, Jaleta Clegg, knows how to write an old fashioned romp that makes you want to keep reading. Her style is fast and to the point and yet wonderfully descriptive. The world Clegg’s built is believable as are the many characters that live there. Roland, a monk Dace befriends, is a well developed character who you like immediately. And Tayvis…well you’ll just need to get to know Tayvis on your own.

“Nexus Point” is the first in the “The Fall of the Altairan Empire” series. You’ll want to get your hands on it before book two comes out as I predict they will be flying off the shelves.

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