Comparing Digger’s Bones to a Dan Brown Novel

The lastest reviewer of Digger’s Bones, Rob Steiner, compared my novel to the writings of Dan Brown. Would you agree? Here’s some of what he said about it:

Paul Mansfield Keefe’s Digger’s Bones is professionally written and fast-paced, evoking the thrills and conspiracy theories of Dan Brown.

Keefe does a good job spacing out the clues to the mystery of Digger’s bones, keeping the reader guessing as to where the next clue will lead Angie.

(Keefe) also throws in several plot twists that turn the story in a completely different direction…the stakes exponentially rise with each new revelation.
— Rob Steiner, The New Podler Review of Books

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2 Responses to “Comparing Digger’s Bones to a Dan Brown Novel”

  1. Da Vinci Code – Myth or Fact?…

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